
Stock Tip

If you have a little extra money hanging around and you have been wondering about the stock market, can I suggest these companies to put a little money in:
Because if the kiddos don't get better soon these companies will have a great earnings quarter.
And for the sweet love of Pete why can't they put more than 24 tablets in the Motrin Jr bottles? We have gone through all of these this week, and that is not counting the one we are working on now.
Because there has been quite of bit of this still going on here today:
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  1. Poor babies. Do you think it's okay to cut an adult size in half to make it the right dosage for kids? I've wondered about that.

  2. Wow, hugs and prayers for you. Knock on wood, but we've been pretty healthy (minus my wisdom teeth coming out this week). I hope your little ones get better soon and that Mommy stays healthy.

  3. Oh LENE,
    that is so sad...
    look at those rosy cheeks!
    I really hope you do not come down with any of that stuff!

    Note to self:
    add Motrin to stock portfolio

  4. Are you sure those aren't sleeping pills? Poor kiddos
