Today Ham turns 1! Where did the last year go?
This is how Ham looked a year ago:
And this is today:
It is a fun story to tell about the day he was born. Big Daddy had just been called to be the 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric and January 14, 2007 was going to be his first Sunday in the Bishopric. The night before I had a few hard contractions, but didn't think anything of it. After 4 C-sections who expects to go into labor - 4 weeks early! So I slept very little that night and finally told Big Daddy that I didn't think I was going to make it to church that day. He was very understanding, but I think he was a little sad that his family wasn't going to be there. He had to be at the Church very early that morning since Sacrament Meeting started at 8:00am. I started to feel guilty and decided that I probably felt well enough to go to Church. So here I am 36 weeks pregnant and in labor running around waking kids up, getting them showered, getting shirts ironed and dresses ready and we head off to Church - EARLY! My big fear when Big Daddy was called into the Bishopric was facing Sacrament Meeting by myself with 4 little kids, but that fear was totally unfounded the kids were great and I was in pain. By the time we got to Church the contractions were back and pretty hard and very regular, but I am still not thinking I could be in labor. At one point I was getting upset and started tearing up and the Sister behind me thought that is was so touching that I was tearing up at Big Daddy being on the stand, she had no idea I was crying because I was in pain and beginning to realize I was in labor and that is a bad thing after having 4 previous C-sections. So finally Sacrament Meeting is over and I tell Big Daddy I think we need to go. He asked if he could just do a few things and then we could go. Not thinking straight I said that was fine. We sent all the kids to Primary and Nursery and I tried to go to Sunday School, but finally ended up in the foyer on one of the soft chairs timing contractions and getting more nervous. After Church was over we quickly loaded up the kids and came home and gather things together for me and for the kids. Dropped the kids off at Grandma's and headed to the hospital. When we got there they got me right back in a room and hooked the monitors up. I thought they would monitor me for a little while, give me something to stop the contractions and send me home. Well not exactly. The nurse monitored me a few minutes, came in and checked me and said she was going to call the Dr. She was gone about five minutes and then came back and started bustling around the room and said we were scheduled for the O.R.! What?!?!? Lab people started showing up and O.R. nurses and things were moving fast. I was not ready to have the baby today. There were all these little things I needed to get done at home. I left my house in a total disaster. My sister wasn't scheduled to be here for another few weeks! But I guess when a Baby is ready to come, a Baby is ready to come! So beautiful Ham was born. Since he was early he did have problems breathing and spent time in the NICU. He has been a total joy and awesome baby to round out our little family!
So today I am trying to get things done for family to come over and celebrate his birthday. Hopefully I will post pictures of that tomorrow. Well I am off to frost a cake!
Reading this about made me cry again.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful blesssing he is to your home.
Happy B-day "Ham" Aunt Niece loves you!
I just can't believe it has been a year! Aren't you suppose to be down here now?