
we put the fun in funeral

My Mom was a pretty amazing lady.


There wasn’t anything she couldn’t do…it’s almost annoying how good she was at everything. I really mean EVERYTHING!!!


She taught her family so much, but most importantly she taught us that life was to be enjoyed.

This week is a tough week for me as we celebrate her birthday and also the anniversary of her passing away. I try to remember that she wouldn't want me to be sad. She would want me to remember that life is to be enjoyed and I shouldn’t grumpy with my own kids because I am missing my Mom. That seems a pretty easy thing to remember.

I should be celebrating the good…and I should be happy.

I was smiling and being goofy while we were getting ready for her funeral…but I am ashamed to admit that my siblings and I spent the time dealing with our grief by watching Pauly Shore movies. Don’t judge.


I felt bad for my poor nephew that was angry that people were laughing and enjoying themselves at her viewing. It was a sad time, but she was a fun person who surrounded herself with people that laughed and enjoyed life. There was going to be laughter and good memories shared there. Not to say there weren’t tears, but thankfully the tears were tempered with laughter and smiles.

I am glad that my sister Niece and I had learned the lesson that it was better to smile than to cry.


And more importantly my Mom had taught us that being together and a Pepsi would make even the worse day more bearable.


I miss you Mom and I had no idea that 19 years after you passed away I would still be missing you like it was yesterday!


  1. Awesome post... I could not say it better myself.

  2. wow what a wonderful post.. Sounds like you had one very special mom, and that she raise some smart and loving children....

  3. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady.
    Pepsi....YES! She was very wise.

  4. What a wonderful post! I love your sister by the way.
