
Menu Monday

  • Monday – Chicken Noodle Casserole (this is a holdover from last week)
  • Tuesday – Navajo Tacos
  • Wednesday – ??? Cub Scout night is hard for me to plan. Something quick and easy!
  • Friday – School Picnic Night
  • Saturday – Date Night (Grandma and Grandpa will be feeding the kiddos)
  • Sunday – Roast and Yorkshire Pudding

I feel like I am getting back into a rut of the same things every week. I am going to search some online sites for recipes for next week.


  1. do you make your own sopapillas? Love those things.

  2. It may be a rut, but at least you have a planned rut. I have no clue what we're eating, as usual. Maybe I should just copy your menu each week. Or even better, pay you to make extras.

  3. Ack! I haven't even thought about dinner yet but Navajo Tacos sure sound yummy!

  4. Tortilla soup sounds yummy!

    It looks like you had such a fun Halloween!
