
SPT - Citius, Altius, Fortius


citius, altius, fortius

faster, higher, stronger These three words encourage the athlete to give his or her best during competition, and to view this effort as a victory in itself.

From Lelly - think about the Olympic motto, and how it can apply to our every day lives. citius. altius. fortius. are we giving our best? can we find victories in the efforts we make every day? i'll see you on the gold medal podium!

This summer of fun and laziness has really taken it's toll on my house. It is a total disaster. So this week I decided to focus on higher. As in the light fixtures in my house - yes the ones covered in dust and cobwebs high up on our ceilings.


IMG_5945 IMG_5947 IMG_5948 IMG_5949 IMG_5953IMG_5951

(The last 2 pictures don't do justice to the cobwebs. They went from the light fixture to the corner of the walls - about 3 feet away)




I feel so much better...now just to move on to the rest of the house.



  1. I can totally relate. We finally cleaned ours off last month, and the dust was just ridiculous. They look very nice.

  2. What a great idea to do with "higher"! I like what you did with this, what a great take.

  3. What a cute way of putting it. Looking at the higher. I love that you were real enough to show the cobs. I think I will do something real for you tomorrow in your honor. Loved the post.

  4. Way to go for reaching HIGHER! I am so glad that I am not the only one who allows those cobwebs to grow and the dust to collect before getting the strength to reach up and clean it off! So much nicer clean!

  5. WOW lene looks good!
    You are so awesome!

  6. Way to go! I love your higher approach. I have to get deeper- deeper into the mess. I am doing it one item at a time, though and I guess that is the best way about it! Love your light fixtures!

  7. You mean we are supposed to look up while cleaning. :-) I like your take on higher. I am sure I have many webs I am ignoring. Good for you for getting to them.

  8. i am now officially inspired to look up at all of my light fixtures. no more ignoring the cobwebs!!

    so original! thank you!

  9. skip dinner, come with your feather duster!
    Cute take on this SPT

  10. WOW! I'm impressed! Will you come to my house next?

  11. I'm scared of heights. Climbing on a ladder to dust my ceiling fans would be a bit unnerving. Maybe you could come do it for me?
    Good photos.

  12. I'm so with you on that.. My house has gone to the pits after summer & reading non stop..
    If your in the cleaning mode come over anytime!! :)

  13. your light fixtures are beautiful! I need to update mine. My light fixtures are the cheap brass things that came with house. I like the wall color too. I am gearing up to re decorate.
