
Book 'Em Kiddos

Saturday I took the kids to the library and signed them up for the summer reading program. It isn't a big deal to get my kiddos to read, it is something that I have always required encouraged. The boys have to read for ....... wait for it....... an hour, yes an hour, every day during the summer before going out to play with friends or on the Wii or the computer. Roo has to read for 20 minutes.

This is what it was like this morning at my house.



It was quiet and calm and peaceful.

We may just make it through summer vacation!


  1. I love to hear your children read...they are awesome!

  2. Wow- I am truly impressed.. My oldest HATES to read & I can't even force him to read for too long & my other son reads but not much for pleasure...
    What did you do to instill that love in them?

  3. We have always had books around for the kids. And we read. A lot.

  4. I took a book outside to read on saturday. I think I read 3 chapters, fell asleep and I received a sunburn!!! I love to read as well.


  5. I just told my son to go get a few books and that it was reading time and he refused and put up a little fight and I made him go gethis books-- he sulked--- I kept reading and catching up on your blog (its been a few days---) Came to this post and showed him ALL kids have a reading time every day! Maybe thats not true--- but the battle was over! Thank you--- good timing!
