
Happy Valentine's Day

We started the day with our traditional doughnut breakfast.

Nothing like sending kiddos to school already hopped up on sugar.

Ham is willing to share a little of his doughnut with everyone, he is more interested in his baba anyway.

I was going to try to take pictures of the kids making Valentines for their classrooms last night, but with:

  • trying to get kids to sit down long enough to get them done
  • trying to keep kids from eating all the candy
  • taking one boy to Cub Scouts
  • trying to keep kids from eating all the candy
  • eating dinner (bless Big Daddy's heart for grabbing pizza)
  • trying to keep kids from eating all the candy
  • taking another boy to Karate
  • dealing with LaLa and her uncontrollable temper tantrums

Pictures were really the last thing on my mind.

Here are the remnants:

Also here is the gifts for the teachers:


  1. Happy Valentines to you!!!!
    I love you with ALL MY HEART!

  2. I love you too!
    I am not sure you saying you love me with all of YOUR heart is good or bad. ;)
