
Happy Anniversary


Today Big Daddy and I celebrate 12 trying, wonderful, distressing, exciting, fun, hard, frustrating, joyful, perfect, painful, blissful, delightful years of marriage.

I can't wait to see what the rest of forever holds.


  1. Happy Anniversary Lil Momma. I can't wait to see what the rest of forever holds either, and I hope that MY forever includes holding YOU. I am lucky to be your companion, and I will do my best to cherish you and protect you forever. Love, Big Daddy.

  2. congratulations to both of you!!

  3. made me cry too...
    find time for each other..
    love ya

  4. Oh how sweet! Happy Anniversary.. Our anniversary is June 1st..
    You look so pretty in your dress. I love it! Where did you get married?
    And to answer your questions, no I haven't been to the stupid gym yet this wee either. Your not going with me! Yes let's go to lunch somewhere really yummy & bad for us. Of course that has Dr. Pepper.
    I went to Costco today & actually looked around for you to see if I would recognize you if you were there. Didn't see you!
    Tell me when & where & we can meet or email me..

  5. Happy Anniversary and many, many more! Ray and I will celebrate 16 years on June 20th.

